I met this Khmer Fisherman by the stream as I was exploring the country side. We hung out by the water and talked about the day's catch. It was mesmerizing watching the fishermen gracefully toss the net into the air and seeing how it spreads out over the water before splashing into the stream causing little ripples.
In my violet backpack I had some Village Crafted Rice Wine that had been made at my host's house and poured into an old water bottle. We shared the Rice Wine with the fishermen who offered up this blue mug as a communal wine glass. I had to take a photo of the mug, as no one would believe that I had drank out of the mug considering I can be a tab bit of a germaphobe. Traditionally the Rice Wine is poured and passed around, the people share everything in the village. It was nice to be the one sharing for a change, as the people were continually trying to offer me things. Everywhere I traveled in Cambodia the people were kind and generous. Alway sharing whatever they had with me refusing to take "no thank you" as an answer when they offered.
The fishermen even tried to give my friend and I this fish that they had caught that afternoon. The fish was still moving in the rice sack that they had put him in. Food does not get any fresher than this fish. Such kindness to offer the afternoons catch to two strangers who happened to come across their path. We turned down the fish as politely as we could. Explaining that there was no place for the fish on the motorbike.